BuffyGuide, episode guide, links, etc
BuffyWorld, episode guide with transkripts and screencaps, links, etc
Buffy BBC, Buffy in the UK
The Buffy Cross and Stake, yet another Buffy site.
Slayage, the online international journal of Buffy studies.
Psyche, transcripts.
Buffy News, Slayage. Excellent news collection.
All things philosophical about Buffy. Ethical, technical and philosophical thoughts.
Laugh Lines, Love Lines, a page with a good quotes collection and episode guide.
Boils and blinding torment. Humourus recap of season seven and more.
Buffyquiz. The annual Buffy/Angel quiz, in which I've excelled a couple of times...
BuffyForum, Swedish Buffyforum
City of Angel, episode guide, quotes and reviews.
The WB, Angel's network site.
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"I don't need a life, I have Buffy!"
May, 2003. Author: Millan
Disclaimer: All things Buffy and Angel are solely due to the
genius that is Joss and his amazing group of writers.