Health Club Manager: That guy has horns.
Angel: Steroids. Not good for you.
Angel: The thing about a gym is that
you're not alone. You've got people around -- encourages you to work out.
Cordelia: You don't have to work out. You're eternal.
Angel: You got your steam; you got your
sauna and your fresh towels. I mean, how bad could it be?
Cordelia: You shower with a lot of men.
Angel: I'll always be a loner.
Wesley: Nasty demon, unknown origin.
Angel: Awful lot of that in this town. I'm sure he'll feel right at home.
Lindsey: Angel. He's here in town. You
can feel him.
Darla: Always could.
Lindsey: He's taken from both of us. So
when you feel ready, we'll start thinking about giving a little back.
Darla: Angel. It's been a long time. I'd
love to see that boy.
Cordelia: Don't yell like that. You will
scare him.
Wesley: Scare him?
Cordelia: Dennis is very sensitive. He's trying to help. He's more a person than a . .
Wesley: I may have someone who can help.
Angel: Who?
Wesley: A parasite demon named Merle.
Cordelia: Maybe it's time to pay your stoolie a little visit. Make with the chin music
until he canaries
I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo.
Wesley: There's a place he hangs out. A
safe haven for demons. I've been meaning to take you there; I think it may be of use for
us. But. . .
Angel: But what?
Wesley: It's a little outside the box.
Cordelia: Your stool pigeon feels safe
in a karaoke bar?
Cordelia: Cat got your tongue, Merle?
Merle: I don't have a tongue.
Cordelia: Oh.
Host: Smart and cute. How 'bout gracing
us with a number?
Angel: I don't sing.
Cordelia: Who is this guy?
Wesley: He's . . . anagogic.
Cordelia: Really? He looks like he's eating enough.
Cordelia: Come on, Angel. I wanna hear
you sing.
Angel: No.
Wesley: It would be for a good cause. We might learn something.
Angel: Who's the boss here?
Angel: Three things I don't do: tan,
date, and sing in public.
Angel: I help people.
Pregnant Woman: You're kidding, right?
Wesley: Cordelia said he was a nasty.
Cordelia: Well, he looked nasty. .
Wesley: What? We're supposed to think a
creature like that could change his modus operandi overnight? Turn into some noble
protector and. . . defender of. . . . oh God.
Cordelia: Thanks for the obscure
visions! We're doing great with that.
Gunn: You should probably go home
Uh. You're welcome!
Angel: People nowadays. Would it kill 'em to say thank you?
Angel: You well?
Gunn: Picture of health and harmony. Look at you, dog. You haven't aged a bit.
Angel: I've got a situation.
Gunn: So much for the small talk.
Gunn: He was on our side?
Angel: Yeah.
Gunn: Well, did you find the scumbag who killed him?
Angel: I'm the scumbag who killed him.
Gunn: Oh.
Gunn: You gonna hang here and soak up
the guilt?
Angel: It's sorta my job.
Pregnant Woman: Your job?
Angel: Yeah! Look. I got cards! And an office. Well, the office kinda blew up, but we're
working out of this other apartment in Silverlake, temporarily.
Cordelia: Who is it?
Gunn: Gunn.
Wesley: What was that?
Cordelia: Something about a gun. What if it's a demon with a gun!?
Wesley: Listen up. Whoever you are. We're well-armed and we know how to do battle, so if
you know what's good for you. . .
Cordelia: My name is Gunn. Angel sent me.
Cordelia: Wesley, you've heard Angel
talk about Gun. He's a great guy with a really fly street tag.
Wesley: What's he fly?
Cordelia: It's how they know you on the street, dorko. Gun! It really let's you know you
mean business.
Gunn: It's my name. Charles Gunn. Two N's.
Cordelia: It's nice to finally meet.
Gunn: I've seen you before.
Cordelia: Really? The Tan-n-Screen commercials!
Gunn: I saw you in bed.
Cordelia: What?!
Wesley: I can see this is none of my business.
Gunn: You, too.
Wesley: Now just a moment!
Gunn: This all the cases you got goin'?
Well isn't this the well-oiled machine?
Cordelia: We set 'em up; we knock 'em down. Well, we did until Angel knocked down the
wrong. . . I'm sure he's getting on top of it now.
Cordelia: You can't see everything.
You're just a vampire like everyone else. . . that didn't come out right.
Angel: I thought I was out of the
Cordelia: Sure you did. Because the tunnel is. . . . You know, it's something we all. . .
. Are we talking real tunnel or symbolic? Just give me that much.
Angel: That light was so bright. I
thought I was already out.
Cordelia: It's going to be a long while
'til you work your way out. But I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with
you until you do.
Angel: What about your inevitable stardom?
Cordelia: I'm not saying I won't have a day job.
Angel: Look, we gotta find her right
away. Whatever it takes. There's only one way.
Angel: Oh Mandy. Well, you came and you gave without takin'. . . .
Cordelia: That man will do anything to
save a life.
Host: You're just the hot ticket. One
night only, two seats left, partially obstructed view.
Host: My question, first -- and answer
true because you know I'll know -- why Mandy?
Angel: Well, I-I know the words. I kinda think it's pretty.
Host: And it is ya great big sap! There's not a destroyer of worlds who can argue with
Manilow. And good for you for fessin' up.
Pregnant Woman: I really appreciate you
helping us like this. But you know how you're not really good at anything? Sure you can do
Angel: I grew up around horses.
Angel: Nice horse. Try not to make me
looks stupid out there, okay?
Pregnant Woman: You okay?
Angel: Yeah.
Pregnant Woman: You sure seem to bleed a lot.
Angel: Part of the job.
Wesley: Good idea. Start over with a
fresh slate.
Angel: Actually, we're starting over with no slate.
Faith: Bad day. One of the girls in the
yard tried to build a rep by throwing down with me. She had low self-esteem and . . . a
homemade knife, so . . . .
Angel: Is she, you know, alive?
Faith: She lives to tell the tale. Took the knife away, and I can't say much for the wrist
it came in.
Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
Angel: Just wanted to give you a little perspective.
Faith: Copacobana?
Angel: Mandy. I don't want to dwell on it.
Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.
Cordelia: Something the matter?
Angel: I, um, I think it's gone bad. It's starting to coagulate.
Cordelia: Huh? No. That's cinnamon. What? I can't try something?
Judy: My boyfriend? He's kind of the
jealous type.
Angel: Maybe you shouldn't go wandering into other men's rooms.
Cordelia: You did notice that Angel
neglected to tell us the, for instance, point of all this?
Wesley: Ah. Well, I mean, clearly, he has us compiling incidents, arranging data,
organizing information in such a way that. . . yes, I did notice that -- the no point
Wesley: Frankly, I haven't the slightest
idea what to do with all this. We could make a collage. Or a mobile!
Wesley: Well, now we know one thing for
Cordelia: Yup! It's not that vampires don't photograph. It's just that they don't
photograph well.
Judy: Can you imagine that wallpaper
being the last thing you see before you go?
Angel: Maybe it was the wallpaper that drove him to it.
Cordelia: It's kinda like a puzzle --
the Who Died Horribly Because Angel Screwed Up 50 Years Ago Game?
Angel: It's been a long time since I've
opened a vein, but I'll do it if you pull any more of that Van Helsing Jr. crap with me.
Are we clear?
Store Guy: Vampire wanting to slay a
demon in order to help some grubby humans? I just don't get it.
Angel: To be honest, I'm not sure I do either.
Wesley: Orb of Ramgarin!
Gunn: "Orb of Ramgarin, please," makes it happen.
Wesley: Please. And do be careful. Ancient conjuring orbs are notoriously fragile.
Gunn: [Tosses Orb at Wes]
Wesley: ANGEL!
Angel: Guys, don't listen to it, alright? Whatever it's whispering to you, just ignore it.
Cordelia: They were like this all the way over here in the car.
Angel: Oh.
Thesuliac: I don't remember ordering
take out, but I like what you brung me. Not as delectable as the last one perhaps,
but full of tasty paranoia just the same. Especially that one.
Wesley: What did he mean by that?
Wesley: What did it mean
"especially that one"?!
Judy: I'm so sorry I killed you. Can you
forgive me?
Angel: Of course.
Wesley: I've been accused of a great
many things in my time, but paranoid has never been one of them. Unless people have been
saying it behind my back.
Cordelia: Are we finished?
Angel: Think so.
Cordelia: Good. Because I, for one, will be glad to see the last of this place. Gives me
the heebie jeebies.
Gunn: No lie. Plus, it's kinda got an odor to it, you notice that?
Cordelia: Seventy years of violence, mayhem, and paranoia? Bad vibes.
Angel: We're moving in.
Cordelia: I mean, a few throw pillows -- what's not to love?
Wesley: Angel. You don't find me
especially paranoid, do you?
Angel: Not especially.
Wesley: Oh, thank god. I was worried.
Host: You've been practicing haven't
Angel: A little.
Host: Probably not in front of the mirror.
Angel: I still can't believe you're
here. I mean, I killed you.
Cordelia: This isn't mere dust. This is
Son of Dust. This is the kind of dust that spawns countless generations of little
baby dust.
Cordelia: I give up.
Wesley: Very well. We'll just move our offices back to your living room.
Cordelia: And I'm dusting
Cordelia: He's still sleeping.
Gunn: Sleepin'? It's 3:30 in the afternoon. I been up since dawn.
Cordelia: Sort of missing the whole Creature of the Night angle, isn't he?
Gunn: Could one of you go in there and
knock on his coffin?
Cordelia: He doesn't *use* a coffin. And maybe you've never heard the expression "Let
sleeping vampires lie"?
Cordelia: Maybe we can help.
Gunn: You two? I find Deevak, I'm gonna need more than C-3PO and Stick Figure Barbie
backin' me up, no offense.
Wesley: Very little taken.
David: Got here as quick as I could.
Cordelia: We paged you two days ago.
David: Where's Angel?
Cordelia: Actually, he's still kind of sleepy.
David: At 3:30? I've been up since dawn.
David: I stand ready to fight the good
fight, sir. Whaddya need?
Angel: Financial advice.
Angel: Cordy? You're driving.
Cordelia: Me? Drive your car? Cool!
Wesley: Shotgun!
Gunn: We're too late. He split.
Cordelia: Maybe he heard what a pleasant person you were to be around.
Cordelia: When you do find him, you may
want to be a little more Guy Pierce in L.A. Confidential, and a little less Michael Madsen
in Reservoir Dogs.
Gunn: I haven't bothered to see a movie since Denzel was robbed of the Oscar for Malcolm
X. Later.
Wesley: That was quite a performance.
Cordelia: I know! Talk about wound up too tight.
Wesley: No. I - I mean Denzel.
Cordelia: Oh. Well, he's always great.
Wesley: (to Angel) What about you?
Angel: Who doesn't love Denzel?
Wesley: Uh. Oh, s'quite alright. Now,
about the naked thing.
Angel: I'll get dressed.
Wesley: Much appreciated.
Cordelia: Do you know what he's going to
do to me when he finds out I let his car get stolen? I mean, what are the chances that a
vampire has full insurance with a low deductible?
Gunn: You don't have a clue why I do
things I do.
Cordelia: Paging Mr. Rationalization!
Gunn: Paging Miss About to Be Thrown Out of a Moving Vehicle!
Cordelia: You need protection.
Gunn: And how exactly do you plan on protecting me -- with some weak-ass, lady smith
battle axe?
Cordelia: Ask Joey and his cracked skull just how "weak-ass" it is.
Wesley: What's the problem?
Angel: It's just, you know, the whole visibility issue not to mention the whole hat head
thing, and I mean, when you really think about it how come I have to wear the ladies
Wesley: Stop being such a wanker and put it on.
Wesley: Looks good. Hop on board
Angel: You'll pay for this.
Gunn: You must be Deevak. They told me
you was ugly, but damn!
Wesley: Angel, look. I found your keys.
Unfortunately, this substance doesn't appear to be coming off.
Angel: What is that?
Wesley: Demon blood. Or demon puss. Or possibly both.
Wesley: I am not a sheep!
Cordelia: You are such a sheep. You've never had a single opinion you didn't read in a
Wesley: At least I've opened a book.
Cordelia: Oh don't even try with the snooty, Wooly Boy. I was top 10 percent of my class!
Wesley: What class? Advanced bosoms?
Cordelia: We were just discussing
whether or not we should offer to pay Gunn.
Angel: No you weren't.
Wesley: Well, our discussions tend to go about 3 minutes, then it's strictly name calling
and hair pulling.
Cordelia: No think! Pay. That's an
Angel: Hey. How about we pretend that you work for me.
Cordelia: You are really unpleasant when you --
Angel: Then why don't we pretend that you don't.
Cordelia: You can't fire me. I'm Vision Girl.
Cordelia: Stop moving.
Angel: I'm not.
Cordelia: Well then stop breathing.
Angel: I can't breathe.
Cordelia: Then . . . stop flexing your manly boob muscles or whatever.
Wesley: That's an ugly looking wound.
Angel: Doesn't feel pretty either.
Wesley: We should definitely approach
this girl with caution. I guess you already figured that out.
Angel: We gotta find out everything we
can about her.
Cordelia: Like, oh, say, her name?
Angel: I was impaled at the time.
Angel: Do you know how hard it is to
think straight with a Ri-bar through your torso?
Cordelia: Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education.
Angel: She said she was staying with a
Cordelia: Well, that narrow it down to people who have friends. Where do we keep that
Angel: She's just a girl.
Cordelia: Just a girl that could kill your ass by blinking.
Gunn: You call; I come. Loaded for bear.
Ready for battle. Somethin' else that starts with "B."
Gunn: Isn't this the thing? Some the
kids in my camp put it together for me. Thought I might get the chance to stick it in
somethin' tonight.
Cordelia: Men are all alike.
Gunn: Fair Cordelia. You still savin' my
Cordelia: Every minute.
Gunn: How's that workin' out?
Cordelia: You're alive aren't you?
Gunn: You got it. But if I come back
here on the end of a spatula, I'm expectin' some *serious* workman's comp.
Angel: I'm going to bed. S'been a long
Cordelia: You've been up for three hours.
Angel: Well?
Cordelia: Top of the middle of the day to you, too.
Cordelia: No leads worth
mentioning. Of course, we lost a little time during my 45 minutes of sleep. Good thing I
left clothes here, or you'd be smelling me even now.
Cordelia: You shouldn't worry. Angel
does this kind of thing all the time.
Bethany: Makes tea?
Cordelia: Helps people. You know, he helps people with problems.
Bethany: So what's wrong with you?
Wesley: Where to begin.
Bethany: She'll just think I'm crazy.
Angel: Are you?
Bethany: What?
Angel: Well, if you are, you know, crazy, I just think things will go smoother if I know
up front.
Cordelia: There's something. She's got a
vibe. I'm getting a vibe. She's vibe-y.
Wesley: I didn't notice a vibe.
Cordelia: Well, all evidence to the contrary, Wes, but you're not a woman.
Angel: You ever done it on purpose?
Bethany: Course not.
Angel: You never thought, "Man, that remote's too far away and I'd have to get
Cordelia: You're sure nothing's broken?
Wesley: I'm sure.
Cordelia: Nothing at all? Say, you're brain?
Cordelia: What happened to
"approach her with caution"?
Wesley: Would've given her time to get her defenses up.
Cordelia: She wouldn't be crying, you wouldn't be bruising, and Angel wouldn't have had a
near Melba toast experience. What did you *say* to her?
Wesley: Statistically speaking, the
father was the best guess.
Cordelia: There's not enough yuck in the world.
Angel: You're gone.
Cordelia: You can't fire Wesley! I'll quit, too! Unless you're firm.
Bethany: I feel safe up here.
Angel: Yeah. You did pick the one room in the house that may collapse to feel safe in.
Bethany: People are pathetic.
Angel: I don't know. I kinda like 'em. Time I've lived, I've seen some horrors, scary
behavior, couple fashion trends I constantly pray to forget, but I see people try. I see
them try to do better.
Bethany: You sound like an old guy.
Angel: Oh, you know, I'm very well-preserved.
Angel: I was having a nightmare.
Bethany: Looked like a pretty happy dream. Maybe the covers were just rumpled.
Bethany: I've done stuff. I can make you
Angel: You wouldn't like me when I'm happy.
Angel: You want to make love, but you
don't want to be touched.
Bethany: Make love? What, are you from the 18th century?
Bethany: Right. You love the people. You
love them so much, you've got a hundred rooms to be alone in.
Gunn: Knock, knock! See this works
great. You break; I enter.
Gunn: I'm still dealing with this man's
ugly-ass living room set. Some people just shouldn't have money.
Gunn: Are you offering to pay me for
helping you?
Angel: Yeah.
Gunn: Cool.
Gunn: You're a very graceful man. Have I
ever mentioned that?
Cordelia: The thing about Angel? He's
old-fashioned. OLD-fashioned. Like, the Age of Chivalry.
Cordelia: Those guys are better off
squashed, I truly think. But, somewhere in that moment of panic, a decision got made and I
don't want the same thing to happen to my friends. Or -- and I can't stress this enough --
Bethany: So, are you and Angel?
Cordelia: Oh, no. I like my men less broody and more spendy.
Cordelia: Bethany!! You can squash those
Lilah: Hes a vampire, you know.
Bethany: Weird.
Angel: Table seems far.
Cordelia: Aww, you must be all worn out from sleeping for the last three days. It's like
living with the world's oldest teenager. He can't be having a growth spurt at two hundred
and forty-eight, could he?
Angel: Two forty seven.
Cordelia: According to my figures, if
we're frugal and garner some paying clientele soon, we're financially sound through last
Wesley: Where's it all going?
Cordelia: Well, there's the fixed costs, the mortgage on the giant hotel, my salary,
there's lots of other--
Wesley: Well, what about my salary? It's fixed, too.
Cordelia: What if, every time you identified a demon in one of your big old books, we gave
you ten bucks? Or a chicken pot pie.
Wesley: Wait, I have another idea. No. Get a vision!
Cordelia: Well it's not like you can hit me in the head and "wham!" it happens.
Wesley: What if, we test that theory with one of my big old books?
Cordelia: Its disciples are human;
they're killing each other. I think the fight is over how to worship it.
Angel: This is why personally I rarely go to church
I thought it was funny.
Angel: Gaah! I didn't doze off. Here I
am. Where were we?
Angel: Saint Bridget's, in Fremont. A
convent, built on native burial grounds. The land's cursed, they had eight murders in two
years before the whole place burned to the ground, which is nothing compared to what
happened at Our Lady of Lochenbee...I got a thing for convents.
Angel: We're gonna need some muscle.
Call Gunn. He's on the payroll now.
Wesley: Right! But not in a fixed way like me.
Gunn: My Uncle Theo always said,
"Never buy a dull plow, and never get in the middle of a religious war."
Cordelia: Do you really have an Uncle Theo?
Gunn: Nah. But it's still good advice.
Wesley: He hasn't been sleeping well
Cordelia: He's off his game.
Gunn: Since when is it a game?
Cordelia: He has Visa, MasterCard, a
problem! He's our target audience!
Angel: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I've
just been so out of it lately. Because of her. I saw her, here in town. Last night.
Cordelia: Oh no, not again. Look I like Buffy as much as the next--
Angel: Not Buffy, Darla.
Angel: I saw her. I'm not crazy.
Wesley: Where?
Angel: Right between the clowns and the big talkin' hot dog.
Wesley: You said yourself you've been
having dreams, lately. Maybe it's guilt over killing your sire.
Cordelia: Right! Guilt! Who loves guilt like you love guilt?
Cordelia: You know what you need? You
need to go back to work. We have an exciting new case: could be aliens, could be adultery.
It's a corker!
Cordelia: What was that? We had a paying
Angel: Not everything's worth getting paid for.
Cordelia: Easy to say when you don't need solid food to survive.
Angel: Guess you didn't take that whole
dust to dust thing to heart, did you?
Cordelia: Guys, that was really fun --
the public humiliation, running from the hotel security staff, and the nifty outfit which
seemed to tell so many conventioneers "pet me, I'm a whore."
Angel: It was Darla. She's back, and
she's human now, but I know her scent.
Wesley: Angel, you can't just sniff a person and --
Angel: You had sex last night, with a bleached blond.
Wesley: Good lord! How --
Cordelia: That's unbelievable. I didn't think you ever had sex.
Cordelia: Angel Investigations -- we
solve big problems for small prices!
Cordelia: It's not like he turns evil
every time he gets this cranky.
Gunn: He turns evil?
Gunn: As evil blood-suck vampires go,
how would you rate Angelus?
Wesley: Historically, as bad as they come. Especially when he was with his sire, Darla.
Cordelia: We're researching her now to see if she has some kind of resurrection powers.
Maybe she's a vampire cat with nine lives!
Gunn: So, he and Darla together, bad
Wesley: They rampaged through half the known world, until Angel got his soul.
Cordelia: Imagine Bonnie and Clyde if they had 150 years to get it right.
Kate: I know he hasn't changed.
Gunn: No. He hasn't. He's still a vampire.
Cordelia: Gunn! Not helping!
Angel: What's the big plan? Get me so
screwed up I go bad again?
Darla: Kind of trite, I know. But what do you expect? They're only human.
Angel: Better embrace that mediocrity, honey. You're talking about your own kind now.
Darla: All you have do, is let me give
you one little moment of happiness.
Angel: You took me places, showed me things. You blew the top off my head. But you never
made me happy.
Darla: But that...that cheerleader did?
Angel: You couldn't understand.
Darla: I understand all right. Guy gets a taste of something fresh, and he thinks he's
touching God.
Darla: See? No matter how good a boy you
are, God doesn't want you...But I still do.
Cordelia: We haven't seen you all day.
We were just wondering if everything was, you know, copasetic.
Angel: I didn't go bad Cordelia.
Cordelia: Oh, I was never worried about that boss. Of course, Mr. Fussypants always
assumes the worst.
Cordelia: Do you have any clothes a man
would wear?
Cordelia: Gonna be a pretty short ride.
They have vampire detectors!
Gunn: We know. It's cool. He's got a plan.
Wesley: A plan?
Angel: Yes. I get to the offices before they stop me.
Gunn: See? What? Thats the plan? Walking real quick was the "plan"?
Cordelia: Angel, this is crazy. Listen
to yourself. You're all insane and angry and... insane! You need help!
Angel: I'm not insane and I'm not angry.
Angel: Um. Maybe I'm a little angry.
Cordelia: Maybe!?
Gunn: Wait. Are you saying... Is he
gonna sing? Oh God, is Angel gonna sing?
Host: You don't have to sing. A break
for you, a break for me, a break for Mr. Manilow.
Angel: We're going. I don't have to
Cordelia: Oh thank God...For your sake, 'cause you don't like to do that.
Cordelia: Hey, look at me, I'm Angel!
Wesley: He doesn't generally spin that much.
Cordelia: Right, right. This is Angel: Oh, no. I can't do anything fun tonight. I have to
count my past sins and then alphabetize them. Oh, by the way, I'm thinking about snapping
completely, maybe on Friday.
Swami: Vampire living in a city known
for its sun, driving a convertible...Why do you hate yourself?
Swami: Uh-huh. So why all the layers?
All the black? You know it's been like eighty degrees in the shade, lately --
Angel: No reason... I don't really have a body temperature, so...
Swami: So it's for the look.
Angel: No. It's just... this way I don't have to worry about matching. I don't actually
have a reflection, so...
Angel: Maybe my persona is a little
affected --
Swami: A little affected? Come on. How many warriors slated for the coming apocalypse you
think are gonna be using that hair gel? Don't get me wrong, you're out there battling
ultimate evil, you're gonna want something with hold.
Cordelia: Yes! The point of a gun! He
just walked Wesley right out of here. And this whole "I'm Angel" thing is a
very, very bad idea. I mean, if I thought that would work, I could've been Angel, because,
guess what, pretty much a girly name.
Wesley: I'm the vampire with a soul.
Fighting for my redemption with...with... killing evil demons. That's right! Scourge of
the demon world. Don't worry, boys, I don't kill humans. Unless I'm really angry.
Swami: You're deeply ambivalent.
Angel: Well... I am and I'm not.
Angel: Look like? Beautiful... small,
Swami: Right. So this is what you do -- go out and find yourself some small blonde thing.
Bed her. Love her. Then treat her like crap. Break her heart. You and your inner demon'll
thank me, I promise.
Angel: Uh--
Gunn: Joking. Great. We got ourselves a
funny Zen master.
Cordelia: What? I'm rescuing you! Key
ingredient... we leave!
Cordelia: Angel! Gunn! What happened?!
Angel: He got hit. Why is Wesley wearing my coat?
Wesley: Did you find out who hired him?
Angel: He wouldn't say. That is my coat, right?
Angel: What's going on? Were you in
Wesley: That's beside the point.
Wesley: We have to go. Angel, you take
Gunn and go to the front of the house, Cordelia, you and I will go around the back--
Angel: Wesley?
Wesley: Oh. Right. I'm sorry. You know this kind of thing best. How should we proceed?
Angel: Um... Gunn and I could take the... back?
Wesley: Very good. Let's go.
Angel: Um...? Can I have my coat back?
Mr. Bryce: She's impure?! She's not a
virgin?! You!
Gunn: Whoa! That's what impure meant?
Cordelia: She slept with him?!
Mr. Bryce: You were supposed to be Angel! This wouldn't have happened! That's why I hired
him! He's a eunuch!
Angel: Not a eunuch!
Gunn: I coulda told you she wasn't a virgin.
Cordelia: One day as Angel?! One day and he's getting some?
Angel: The curse isn't even all that
Angel: I'm not a eunuch.
Angel: Virginia Bryce, squired by Mr.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, private detective and bodyguard to the stars... "Squired"
Who says squired?
Cordelia: Look at him all over her!
Angel: Cordelia, you're just jealous that he's getting some attention.
Cordelia: Damn skippy! He's getting famous off this!
Angel: No, no. Happy for him. "Of
the Wyndam-Pryce Agency"? There's no Wyndam-Pryce Agency.
Angel: "Bodyguard to the
stars." Yeah, right.
Lindsey: Something happened?
Darla: God, yes. So many things. I remember them all. Which one were you thinking of?
Darla: No. No, there really isn't, is
there? You can be with someone for 150 years - think you know them. Still; doesn't work
out. Angelus - why, you should have seen us together.
Lindsey: He was a different person then.
Darla: And so was I. Now do you know what we've become?
Lindsey: Enemies.
Darla: Oh no. Much worse. Now we're soulmates.
Darla: I'm a whore.
Priest: Well, yes, that too.
Angel: All we gonna do is find her.
Cordelia: And this would be the same woman you didn't notice was in your bedroom every
night for like three weeks straight?
Angel: That was different.
Cordelia: Different in the sitting right on top of you sense, yeah.
Wesley: Cordelia has a point.
Cordelia: Finally!
Wesley: The last time Darla emerged she
wanted to be found. Now she is out there among six million other people.
Cordelia: She could be sitting on top of anybody.
Angel: Come on guys. We are a detective
agency. We investigate things. That's what we're good at.
Cordelia: That's what we suck at. Let's face it, unless there's a website called, we're pretty much out of luck.
Cordelia: Before he said he could smell
her. How about we cruise around with the top down and you take big whiffs? Well,
we'll wait until after the sun sets obviously.
Master: Angelus - the Latinate for
Angel. It's marvelous.
Darla: His name would already be legend in his home village had he left anyone alive there
to tell the tale.
Master: We stalk the surface to feed and
grow our ranks. We do not live amongst the human pestilence!
Angelus: I'll be honest, you really couldn't with that face, now could you?
It's not stuck like that now is it?
Darla: The Master has grown past the curse of human features.
Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat-nose like that, huh? Am I?
Tell the truth - whose face do you want to look at for eternity? His or mine?
Angel: Darla, Anglo-Saxon derivation,
meaning 'dear one' - huh, didn't come into common usage until more than a 100 years after
she was born. He must have given it to her. I didn't even know her real name.
Drusilla: No. His head's too full of
you, grandmother.
Darla: Stop calling me that.
Angel: That's pretty slim.
Cordelia: It has a view.
Angel: That's not enough.
Cordelia: And Berber carpeting.
Angel: Nah, we need to narrow it down further. Keep looking.
Cordelia: And my sister is living in unit 319.
Angel: You don't have a sister.
Cordelia: Sure I do. My older, way older, like 400 years older, blonde sister Darla, no
last name. I've been desperately trying to find her because mom and dad are in the coma.
Sue, the property manager was - very helpful. She even cried.
Cordelia: Probably a good idea since
it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon and that address is in Sun Valley.
Angel: Right. Sun.
Cordelia: Actually I was thinking Valley. I mean why go there if you don't have to.
Darla: It wasn't my name when I was
human. The first time when I was human, I mean.
Lindsey: What was your name?
Darla: Hmm - I don't remember. I'm not her, whoever she was. I was Darla for so long, then
I wasn't. I - I wasn't anything. I just stopped. He killed me. I was done. Then you
brought me back.
Lindsey: Yes.
Darla: What did you bring back, Lindsey? What am I? Did you bring back that girl, whose
name I can't remember? Or did you bring back something else? The other thing.
Darla: It's nice. - But it's not me you
want to screw.
Lindsey: What?
Darla: It's him. You all think you can use me to get to Angel.
Darla: No. Nobody understands. Nobody
can understand. I can feel this body dying, Lindsey. I can feel it decaying moment by
moment. It's being eaten away by this thing inside of it. It's a cancer, this soul!
Darla: You took him from me. You stole
him away. You gave him a soul.
Gypsy: He must suffer as all of his victims have suffered.
Darla: That is no justice. Whatever pain he caused to your daughter was momentary, over in
an instant or an hour. But what you've done to him will force him to suffer for the rest
of eternity!
Cordelia: Angel!
Angel: Cordy, please, I'm talking.
Cordelia: Hi Darla. He can't talk right now. He'll call you back once he's found it --
Yeah, bye-bye.
Darla: I have question. Where was I? I
don't remember anything. It's a great big nothing. Could it be there is no hell?
Angel: There is a hell. A few of them. I've been to one.
Angel: What we were. And I also know
what she's going through. And unlike me, maybe she won't have to go through it alone.
Cordelia: You're not alone.
Wesley: You may be right. She may be
experiencing all of this exactly as you did. But Angel, you yourself wandered for a
hundred years without ever seeking redemption.
Angel: That's right. I sought her.
Angel: I want things to be like they
were. You and me together Darla. I miss the view.
Darla: That's impossible.
Angel: It's not impossible.
Darla: You still have a soul.
Angel: I'm still a vampire.
Darla: You're not. Look at you. I don't know what you are anymore.
Angel: You know what I am. You made me. Darla. I'm Angelus.
Darla: Not anymore.
Angel: If this is a trick, just know
that I'll be coming back for you. Hell, I just might be coming back for you anyway.
Angel: Look I've killed men. You've seen
Darla: Rapists and murderers, thieves and scoundrels. Did you think I wouldn't
notice? Only evildoers, that's all you hunt now. You swore to me. You said, if I took you
back you'd prove yourself.
Holland: Lindsey, you don't understand
our friend at all. We know there is no prospect for physical intimacy here. So you
needn't torture yourself.
Lindsey: Then what do you expect him to do?
Holland: What he will do. What he must do. Save her soul.
Cordelia: Maybe we should get her a
Darla: No. No doctors. Angelus.
Cordelia: Uhm. Sorry, I know you're concussion girl and all, but around here it's Angel -
just Angel, okay?
Darla: Turn me back. God! I can't bear
this pounding in my chest for another instant!
Angel: It's a gift. To feel that heart beat - to know, really and for once, that you're
alive. You're human again, Darla. You know what that means?
Darla: Of course I do. It means pain and suffering and disease and death. Look, I released
you from this world once, I gave you eternal life. Now it's time for you to return the
Angel: Favor. Is that what you think? You think you did me a favor? You damned me.
Wesley: What happened to your hair?
Cordelia: Excuse me?
Wesley: Your hair. It's's great! When did this happen?
Cordelia: Ten days ago.
Wesley: Of course! I didn't want to embarrass you by...
Cordelia: ...noticing?
Wesley: Right. Enough is enough. I'm
gonna march up there and tell him just that
Cordelia: Nice posturing!
Wesley: Thank you!
Cordelia: Uh-huh, time to traipse off to
your shallow, soul-sucking Hollywood party?
Wesley: Premier, actually. And I happen to have an extra ticket...
Cordelia: Who does shallow better than me?
Gunn: And what am I supposed to do? Sit
home and knit?
Angel: I could use a sweater. Something dark.
Kate: Maybe not. I don't suppose you'd
testify against her in a blindingly sunny court of law?
Angel: What happened?
Cordelia: It's not blood it's cocktail sauce, courtesy of Mr. Star-schmoozer here.
Angel: I mean to your head. Your - your hair. It looks great. When did this happen?
Wesley: Ten days ago! Pay attention.
Angel: Why doesn't anybody tell me any of this stuff...
Wesley: I spilled it on her in front of
Mr. Fat Chow
Cordelia: Chow Yun Fat!
Angel: What, you met Chow Yun Fat?!
Cordelia: Hmm...
Angel: What?
Wesley: Oh, I-I'm sure you can pull it off. You're
Angel: Whoa, whoa, we need to talk, bro.
Two things bringin' in the chicks: the do and the ride.
Demon: Get in.
Angel: I hope I don't see anybody I know.
Angel: Don't tell me, you must be Bob,
the security guard. And you're a great big
monster, aren't you?
Demon: This is Jay-don. He talks too much.
Angel: I'm a people person. I like the shirt. Where'd you get that, at Ed's big and spiny?
Spiney Demon: He's funny. You're funny. You'll be even funnier when I crush your head.
Angel: Funny 'ha, ha' or funny peculiar?
Gunn: Depends. Do we all got to wear
these ugly ass shirts? Is this, you know, a team thing? Because, you know, I got my pride.
Bob: Any change in temperature will set
off the alarm.
Angel: Guess that's where I come in, huh?
Gunn: Oh, no body heat. I guess that comes with the no soul thing, huh?
Cordelia: I got it! Jeez, back seat
Cordelia: Okay. Two words I don't like
right off the bat: tomb and unearthed. People, you've got to leave your tombs earthed!
Wesley: Shroud of Rahmon. Have you ever heard of it?
Cordelia: I'm not big on shrouds. They're an after you die outfit.
Cordelia: Why is it always virgin women
who have to do the sacrificing?
Wesley: For purity, I suppose.
Cordelia: This has nothing to do with purity. This is all about dominance, buddy. You can
bet if someone ordered a male body part for religious sacrifice the world would be atheist
like that.
Cordelia: I get the picture. - So in
order to take his mind off the torment that is Darla, we sent Angel after a box that makes
you crazy.
Spiny Demon: Humans always got to feel
something about everything. And they always got to tell you about it. 'I'm so happy - I'm
so sad - I'm so scared.' Makes me sick.
Angel: Oh, now, I like it when they're scared! Makes them taste kind of salty.
Spiny Demon: Did I ask for your opinion, you overgrown leech?
Angel: Oh, please! Altoids, aisle 4!
Gunn: When are they gonna start making
some pretty demons?
Angel: Shut up and lift, Lester!
Gunn: Don't give me orders, Elvis!
Angel: You know I'm getting pretty tired
of this 'vampires killed my sister so now I'm all entitled' song. Don't you know anything
else, like say MacArthur Park?
Wesley: Is that Gunn? What's he doing
here? I never thought of him as the museum type.
Angel: Wow! Look at you rushing in here
all by yourself! You're the best cop ever.
Spiny: Too many humans.
Angel: Excuse me, that is my girl.
Angel: Oh Katie - what are you so afraid
of? Is it this? Is it the part where I'm gonna kill you? Because I got to tell you I love
that in a woman!
Wesley: Angel drank human blood, from a
living person. Something he hasn't done in a very long time.
Cordelia: So, on top of everything else we may have reawakened his bloodlust?
Wesley: Yes.
Cordelia: Hmm. Full days work then.
Wesley: I think so.
Cordelia: He's been down in that cellar
a long time.
Wesley: I keep hearing a ... "chucka chucka" sound... what's he doing down
Cordelia: How should I know? He barely says good morning and get me a glass of blood
Wesley: I was a man -- I said... things.
Cordelia: Like what?
Wesley: Like did he prefer milk or sugar in his tea. It's how men talk about things in
Wesley: Well, this is good to see you...
taking a domestic tack...
Cordelia: Yeah, you seem all calm and homey -- are you on drugs?
Cordelia: You lied to us!
Angel: I did, I know.
Wesley: Why?
Angel: I figured you'd nag.
Angelus: This is outrageous! Don't these
people know who we are?
Darla: I believe they do. Which would explain the lynch mob.
Angelus: I hate the French. We should go
someplace like Romania.
Darla: In Italy you said we should go someplace like France.
Angelus: Place like Romania, they really know how to treat a creature of the night.
Darla: I wasn't in danger, Angelus!
Believe me. I picked a stupid one. I always pick the stupid ones! Didn't you know that?
Angel: You really want to be made by
some creep in a filthy alley?
Darla: I wanted you to do it.
Angel: That'll never happen.
Darla: So I do what I have to do. Anyway, you were made in an alley if I recall.
Angel: That's... not the point.
Darla: I don't trust them. But I know a
thing or two about mind games. And so do you. We played them together for over a century.
Cordelia: Yes, but you were just soulless bloodsucking demons. They're lawyers.
Cordelia: Okay, first up: You're our
Wesley: I would have to concur with that, yes.
Cordelia: See, you've got our friend all in knots.
Wesley: Can't say we like you much.
Cordelia: So, sorry about the dying, but if you try to escape, we will hit you.
Wesley: On the head.
Cordelia: With very large and heavy objects, 'kay?
Lindsay: Does it really look like you
need to throttle me for information?
Angel: Need to?
Lindsay: Yeah. Looks like our Darla was
a working girl in the New World. The syphilis is what she was dying from when she was
human. Now she's human again... kind of picking up where she left off -- Of course, today
something like that could be cleared up with a few antibiotics. That is, if you catch it
soon enough. In this case, we were about a month and, oh, four hundred years too late.
Angel: Do you love her, Lindsey? Is that
what this is? Look at you. A few short months with her and you've gone all schoolboy. I
was with her for 150 years --
Lindsay: But you never loved her.
Angel: I wasn't capable of it. And neither are you.
Angel: And then, what, Lindsey? You and
her can be together? If I were to do it, if I turned her -- how long do you think before
she hunted you down and had you for breakfast? Gotta say -- that thought alone almost
makes it worth it.
Host: I sense pain and anger -- are you
still testy from last time?
Angel: When you sent me to that swami who was dead and his imposter tried to kill me? Why
would I be testy about that?
Host: That was painful. I'm still reeling.
Angel: I feel your pain -- what with the trying to kill me and all.
Host: Oh people try to kill you every day -- I'm talking about Ramone who overheard us and
betrayed me... man was a world class bartender, made a Seabreeze that took you to Tahiti
-- he's off the menu now.
Angel: Aren't you supposed to be reading
Host: I'm a channel surfer. Look, you're a big hunk of hero sandwich, you want to save the
girl and I can see why...
Host: Why do you care so much? She had
more than most of us, four hundred plus years already.
Angel: As a vampire. Before that she was... she never had a chance.
Host: Well you're just a big softy, aren't you.
Angel: He said I had to take the plunge.
Darla: Into an empty pool?
Angel: Sure, 'cause if you had water in there you'd get all wet and miss out on the skull
Angel: I'm either coming back with a
cure or you're about to see something kind of funny...
Valet: Isn't the world better with you
in it? You can save so many people. It seems she can barely save herself.
Darla: Angel, I see it now. Everything
you're going through, everything you've gone through. I've felt it. I've felt how you care
-- in a way no one's ever cared before. Not for me. That's all I need from you.
Angel: How could The Powers allow you to
be brought back -- dangle a second chance -- then take it away like this?
Darla: Maybe this is my second chance.
Angel: To die?
Darla: Yes. To die. They way I was supposed to die in the first place.
Lindsey: How did you think this would
Gunn: No, no, what I'm
saying is, that means the granddaughter remade the grandmother.
Wesley: Oh
Gunn: Man, somehow that weirds me out more than the whole bloodsucking thing.
Cordelia: You can't go in
uninvited, remember? You need us!
Angel: Not this time.
Cordelia: So, what's the plan? Stand outside his door and make remarks?
Holland: Drusilla, you are
positively glowing.
Drusilla: I'm going to be a mummy!
Wesley: Angel, are you certain
about this? A burial isn't necessary for a newly made vampire to...
Angel: It would be for Drusilla. She's a classicist.
Cordelia: She's a loony.
Drusilla: I saw you coming,
my lovely, the moon showed me. It told me to come into the 20th century.
Angel: It's the 21st century, Dru.
Drusilla: I'm still lagging.
Cordelia: Hitting the pause
button. Wolfram and Hart, as in vampire detectors, crack security system and armed guards.
Nice Plan, General Custer.
Gunn: You had me at:
Everyone, gear up.
Drusilla: You're all new
Angel: I'd be careful who you
offer hand to, Mr. Manners. You might just loose it. Isnt that right, Lindsey?
Angel: You set things in
motion, play your little games up here in your glass and chrome tower, and people die,
innocent people.
Holland: And yet, I just can't seem to care.
Darla: Why aren't you afraid?
Lindsey: I don't know.
Darla: You could die here. Chances are, you will.
Lindsey: Yeah.
Darla: And you don't care?
Lindsey: I care. I guess I just don't mind.
Darla: Dru honey, in our new
digs, we have to put in a people cellar.
Drusilla: Daddy's home.
Darla: Angelus. Here for the
Drusilla: Look what we have for you. It's not Daddy. It's never
Daddy. It's the Angel-beast.
Darla: Come to punish us?
Drusilla: Yeah, yeah. Spank us till Tuesday. We promise to be bad if you do.
Holland: Angel, please;
people are going to die.
Angel: And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care.
Wesley: You could have
stopped them.
Angel: And I will.
Cordelia: When? After they've finished off all the people you don't like?
Cordelia: You have to change
the way you've been doing things. Don't you see where this is taking you?
Wesley: Listen to her. Right now, the three of us are all that's standing
between you and real darkness.
Gunn: You best believe that man.
Angel: I do. You're all fired.
Cordelia: What just happened? Can
someone explain to me what just happened here?
Wesley: I believe we were fired.
Gunn: Canned.
Wesley: Let go.
Gunn: Axed.
Wesley: Shown the door.
Gunn: Booted.
Cordelia: All right! I get it. But what just happened?
Gunn: You got a thesaurus in there?
Cordelia: Darla. It's all about Darla.
One thing you can say about Angel, at least he's consistent - it's always some little
blonde driving him over the edge.
Virginia: He fired you? He can't do
that, you're on a mission to protect the innocent. You can't fire someone on a mission.
What did he say exactly?
Wesley: "You're fired."
Virginia: Oh.
Virginia: You're a renowned specialist
in supernatural aid and rescue.
Wesley: No, I'm just a
"renowned," really?
Wesley: A Bloody Mary, please.
Bartender: You want real blood with that?
Wesley: Uh
no. Bloodless. Thanks.
Gunn: Was one of his directives
"Hire pansy ass British guy?"
Wesley: My ass is not pansy!
Cordelia: I
don't get it - are we late? We didn't feel late in my head.
Darla: Why is everyone trying to make
this about Angel? For God's sake, can't a woman wreak a little havoc without there being a
man involved?
Drusilla: You miss him. Like a heartbeat.
Darla: I don't miss my heartbeat, Dru. It was a symptom of a disease I've since been cured
of. You know, in a perfect world, Angel would be here right now, helping me burn this city
to the ground. This is his job I'm doing. But where is he? Probably flogging himself in a
church somewhere.
Darla: That wasn't Angel.
Drusilla: He's gone! He's all gone! Oh, it hurts
it hurts
Darla: Wasn't Angelus, either.
Drusilla: Help me
Darla: Who was that?
Gunn: Three fifths of the world
covered in water, the rest covered in me!
Wesley: Shut up.
Gunn: Who's your ruler, baby? What's my name? Come on, English, say it: Gunn.
Gunn: That's an Angel? Looks like
a - a lobster with a - growth or... We'll make our own logo.
Gunn: So it's big.
Wesley: Big.
Gunn: And fire breathing.
Wesley: Breathing.
Gunn: Big, two-headed, fire-breathing...
Wesley: I think we all have the picture, Gunn. It's not a teddy bear and it
probably shouldn't be attending the Kenyard School for Girls.
Gunn: You know, right about now I wouldn't mind...
Wesley: Don't say it! We don't have him and it's not going to do any good wishing we did!
Gunn: I was gonna say some dynamite.
Wesley: Oh god.
Gunn: The tunnel is almost twenty feet tall. It was crouching.
Wesley: Uh, well. We'll take another look and then we'll...
Gunn: ...die!
Angel: Lilah. I just had to
drop by and congratulate you on your big promotion. Co-vice-president Special Projects.
Wow. That's super. You deserve it. Yeah. That and so much more.
Lilah: Angel...
Angel: But you know what the real special part is? To think that maybe,
in my small way, I helped make it happen for you. That makes me feel all good
Angel: The game. It's actually kind of
fun when you know the rules. I mean, when you know - that there aren't any. You screw with
me, and you screw with me, and... you screw with me. And now - I get to screw with you.
Lilah: Uh...
Angel: That's gonna be great!
Lilah: Angel, please...
Angel: No. No. No. No. The begging - that comes later.
Boone: Don't know. Don't care. All I do
know is, when Angel come for you, he's gonna find me instead.
Lindsey: I like it. I like it and I'll tell you why: because of the finding you
instead part
Lilah: Aren't you forgetting something?
The senior partners want Angel alive.
Lindsey: So?
Lilah: So - what if this guy is actually as good as he says and actually kills Angel?
Lindsey: Boo-hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my plastic hand!
It's the biggest thing you've ever seen.
Gunn: And me and English here are just getting stomped, just ducking flames.
Wesley: It hurls me into the outflow drain...
Gunn: And then you come crawling back, stinking, screaming curses. The mouth on this
Wesley: And Gunn hits him form behind, yelling 'look at us when we kill you!' and both its
heads turn...
Gunn: Then 'shronk!' Wes buries his ax in the head number one.
Wesley: And Gunn is running him through, pulling out intestines the size of your leg!
Gunn: We turned him inside out!
Cordelia: You weren't scared?
Wesley: Oh, mother in heaven.
Gunn: Pants wetting, praising the lord to save me kind of scared. All right?
Ann: A few years ago it would have
been a big turn on. I thought vampires were the coolest.
Angel: What happened?
Ann: I met one.
Lindsey: Angel is an obstacle to
everything that we do. Give me one good reason why we can't just kill him!
Nathan: Because Angel - is a major player.
Lilah: In business?
Nathan: In the apocalypse.
Lilah: Oh. That.
Wesley: When they went out of
business they just left these here?
Cordelia: Yup. Also the desk. We'll share.
Wesley: And when we go out of business we can just leave our stuff for the next guy.
Cordelia: Hey, hey, negative energy boy, with all of our money pooled together we
can stay here a long time.
Wesley: Hmm. 20 minutes.
Cordelia: At least.
Gunn: I'm so glad I met you guys.
It's entertaining. Really.
Host: Hey, big fella. You're gotta
be singing all the time in here, am I right? Come on, with these acoustics?
And the rockets red glare! Do you hear that resonance?
Angel: What I hear, and maybe hopefully - I'm still dreaming, is the
star-spangled-banner being belted out by a loud green demon.
Host: We're all brothers under the skin, mi amigo. Although the garden hue and
the horns have kept me out of some key public performances. Just once I'd love to ring in
a Lakers game with our national anthem. Is that so much to ask?
Host: Man, you just get darker and
darker. And the weird thing is, your aura? Beige.
Angel: Oh, I have an idea.
Can you just get to the point already?
Host: Yes, I can, if you'd let me get a word in edgewise, Mr.
Angel: Why'd you come to me?
Host: Isn't it obvious? You're a champion. A unique force for good in a
troubled world. Also, all the other champions I know are currently out of town or
dead. Why? You don't want to work with me? Is this because I sent you on a couple of
missions that turned out to be a little...
Angel: Pointless and deadly?
Host: That'd make more sense. So
what we should do is to start with the other local Karaoke bars, see if we can get a lead
on him. That is if you're not to busy getting lawyers killed and setting girls on
Gunn: Cordelia - stop trying.
Cordelia: Really?
Wesley: Join us. Sometimes you need to wallow. Just let the depression settle
in silently.
Virginia: Hey! Wow. This
place is great. I brought champagne. You guys must be so excited in that really
dry, suicidal way.
Wesley: Sorry, sweetheart. You just caught us in a moment of... Well...
Cordelia: Reality.
Virginia: Oh that. I avoid that.
Gunn: How do you avoid reality?
Virginia: Money. It cures everything but boredom and food cures boredom, so
there you go. Imported chips and packets of cheese.
Gunn: Yeah. And don't try to tell
us there is no way to go but up, because the truth is there is always more down.
Virginia: Oh! And that was very well said by the way. But I found a case for
you. A client. A rich one.
Wesley: Really?
Cordelia: And this isn't the first thing you say when you come in the room?
Virginia: Well, I got distracted by your waves of desperation.
Angel: Where did you learn how to
Host: Just now in your car. Not bad for a beginner, huh?
Angel: What? You nearly got us killed four times.
Host: Someone had to drive. You weren't exactly qualified, huddled under a
blanket in back, hiding from the sun.
Angel: Student yearbook/faculty
publications going back past five years. Lets see if we can't find your little madman
bent on destroying the universe.
Host: I like to think of him as our little madman. That's just me, team
player, you know?
Angel: What did you say to it?
Host: I said we come in peace. I don't think he believed me.
Angel: I think you should shut up
Host: I'm the host. Have you met me? I never shut up. You pushed your friends
away. You went from helping the helpless to hunting down the guilty. Blood vengeance
is a luxury of the lesser beings. You're a champion, Angel. I mean you were, at
Angel: You want to know what my
problem is? I'm screwed. That's my problem. I can't win. I'm trying to atone for a hundred
years of unthinkable evil. News flash! I never can! Never going to be enough. Now I got
Wolfram and Hart dogging me, it's too much! Two hundred highly intelligent law-school
graduates working fulltime driving me crazy. Why the hell is everyone so surprised that
it's working? But no, it's Angel, why are you so cranky? Angel, you
should lighten up. You should smile. You should wear a nice plaid.
Host: Oh. Not this season, honey.
Angel: Redemption. Darla had a shot at redemption. They took it from her. Now I have to
hunt her down and kill her. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kill her, and then I'm
gonna burn that law firm to the ground. My crew - they couldn't handle that.
That's good. It means that they're still human. It means theyre better
off fired.
Host: It's not always gonna be
this way. The song changes. Unless, of course, we don't get there on time, in
which case - you'll be frozen in this crappy mood forever. I shudder to think.
Angel: Well, you know - love it's
a fire.
Gene: You been there.
Angel: It burns you. Alive. Down to the bone. And then it turns the bone to
Host: I-I think what my chipper friend is trying to say here, Gene, is the wheel
keeps turning. You can't stop it. Sometimes things get worse, sometimes they
get better.
Angel: Well, the guy is a disaster
at love, and nearly destroyed the world. I can relate.
Man: Which one of you is Angel?
Wesley: It's just a name.
Cordelia: Maybe we could by one of those
star maps, find out where Steven Segal lives. You're telling me he got to be a movie star
without a little demonic assistance?
Angel: Hey, Merl.
Merl: Jesus, man! I mean, can't you, you know, knock?
Angel: You don't make that funny expression when I knock, or if you do I don't see it.
Gunn: Annie! What's up, girl? I haven't
seen you in a minute. Come here! So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?
Anne: Well, I just thought I'd see how the other half lives and strangely enough,
it's not that different.
Cordelia: We like to think of it as early American dilapidation.
Anne: But Angel, that... this
isn't the guy in the long, black trench coat, is it?
Gunn: You know him?
Anne: Yeah. He tried to help me out a few weeks ago.
Cordelia: He did?
Wesley: Really?
Anne: But it turned out it was just a scam to screw this law firm.
Cordelia: Well, he hasn't changed a bit.
Kate: I guess you never caught up
with your vampire friends in time.
Angel: I did track them down later and set them on fire.
Gunn: Yeah, that's if we ever find
any. I never had to look so hard to find trouble before.
Gunn: Damn. Someone having an
apocalypse and forget to invite us?
Wesley: Where are we going?
Gunn: To the hospital.
Wesley: That sounds sensible to me.
Cordelia: This is no time for
circuits busy! So, don't tell me circuits are busy. If the circuits are busy - get some
new circuits now!
Wesley: Hey.
Gunn: How're you doing?
Wesley: Oh, I feel I should be in a great deal of pain.
Gunn: Getting gut-shot will do that to you.
Wesley: And yet...Is this morphine? Well, it's bloody lovely!
Cordelia: What are you doing here?
Angel: I heard about Wesley.
Cordelia: Well, that's great. Too bad it takes a gunshot wound to make you give a crap.
Wesley doesn't need you right now. We don't need you. You walked away. Do us a favor
and just stay away.
Wesley: Things'll
pick up. They're bound to.
Cordelia: Yeah. It's LA. The evil's probably just tied up in traffic or
Lindsey: I'm gonna take a shower.
Darla: You always take a shower when you come back from that place. Don't know
why. You're never dirty.
Lindsey: I'm always dirty.
Host: Most anything that can
manifest in order to move in this dimension can be killed. Kinda the down side of being
here. That and the so-called 'musicals' of Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Angel: Yeah. You took all the
Cordelia: Yeah, well, you got the waffle iron
.Hey! No! You can't take
this, I-I-I'm in the middle of it. Here, take this one.
Angel: Don't make me move you.
Wesley: Give him the book, Cordelia
Just give him the damn thing! Let him
get the hell out.
Cordelia: Here. I don't even know what you are anymore.
Angel: I'm a vampire. Look it up.
Cordelia: What a jerk.
Wesley: Cordelia...
Cordelia: I mean if it was anybody else I would just say 'get laid already!'
Wesley: Cordelia...
Cordelia: But - no, not him. One decent boff and he switches to evil psycho
vamp. Which, in a way, would be better for everyone. Better for him because he'd get
some, and better for us because then we could stake him afterwards.
Holland: Hm-mm, now tell me just
what do you think that would accomplish? In the end, I mean.
Angel: It'll be - the end.
Holland: Well, the end of you, certainly. But I meant in the larger sense.
Angel: In the larger sense I really don't give a crap.
Holland: Now I don't think that's true. Be honest. You got the tiniest bit
of 'give a crap' left.
Darla: Don't play games with me.
Angel: I'm not playing. I just wanna feel something besides the cold.
Darla: But we...
Angel: Yes...
Darla: ...and you...
Angel: I know...
Darla: Then I...
Angel: Three times...
Darla: You're not evil?
Darla: Well, I don't accept this. You
cannot tell me that wasn't perfect. Not only have I been around for four hundred years, I
used to do this professionally and that was perfect!
Host: Between you and me -- if it'd
taken you much longer to hit your bottom, I was gonna kick it.
Host: What's not to understand? You
think you're the first guy who ever rolled over, saw what was lyin' next to him, and went
-- "Gueeeyah!" You're not. Believe me.
Host: I think I speak for everyone when
I say -- if all you're going to do is switch back to brood mode, we'd rather have you
evil. Because then, at least -- leather pants.
Wesley: Angel --
Angel: Invite me in.
Wesley: What?
Angel: I've never been here before, Wesley! You have to invite me in!
Wesley: That's true, you haven't...Well. Perhaps if you'd shown more interest --
Angel: Wesley!
Wesley: Yes! No! Absolutely! I invite you in! In I invite you!
Angel: I know how to get to your
offices, Wesley.
Wesley: Oh, of course. You did pop by. Stole a book.
Wesley: In any event. I diagnosed the
girl's condition as infection by a Skilosh.
Angel: With your books?
Wesley: Yessss...
Angel: You were always so good with those books. Made it look easy. It's not.
Wesley: You don't know her at all. For
months now you haven't cared to. Otherwise you might have realized that our Cordelia has
become a very solitary girl. She is not the vain and carefree creature she once was.
Well... certainly not carefree.
Wesley: You'd have known that if you
hadn't had your head firmly up your... place that isn't on top of your neck.
Angel: We have to find her.
Wesley: We agree. She could be in grave danger.
Angel: And even if she's not.
Angel: You, uh... you guys have bonded,
I see.
Gunn: Happens when you fight shoulder-to-shoulder.
Gunn: So what's he doin' here?
Angel: I went to the Host at Caritas. He said my friends were in danger.
Gunn: So what's he doin' here?
Wesley: He had an "epiphany."
Gunn: You check her pad?
Angel: I stopped there earlier.
Gunn: You enjoying your visit to 1973? I meant her message pad.
Angel: Oh. Right. That's a good idea.
Angel: Here. Use this. You can make a
rubbing of the impressions she left, see what the last thing was that she wrote --
Gunn: Or we could just read the carbon --
Angel: Or you could do that.
Angel: Guys, guys -- does it make sense
that she would go there in the middle of the night without calling either one of you?
Both: They owed us money --
Angel: Let's go --
Gunn: So -- you had an
"epiphany," didja?
Angel: Yeah.
Gunn: So, what, you just wake up and -- bang?
Angel: Sort of the other way around.
Gunn: No? You don't think so. Hmmm. Well
I hope you don't go havin' another one before we get to Cordelia. I mean -- something
happens to her, something bad? I might just have me an epiphany.
Angel: Hi.
Cordelia: Hi.
Angel: You okay?
Cordelia: No.
Angel: You're not?
Cordelia: No. You really hurt my feelings.
Kate: Yikes. Sounds like you had an
Angel: I keep saying that. No one listens.
Kate: I'm okay. Anyway, I'm not...
headed for another pillathon. I'm... grateful. I never thought you'd come for me. But I
got cut a huge break, and I believe... I don't know what I believe, but I... have faith. I
think maybe we're not alone in this.
Angel: Why?
Kate: Because I never invited you in.
Angel: It's okay, Wesley. I don't want
you to come back to work for me.
Wesley: Oh. I see.
Angel: I want to work for you.
Cordelia: The usual Big Scary. Rising up
in a housing project in Topanga. And... why is it I'm not on the floor this time?
Angel: I've got you.
Wesley: ...Engage your co-workers from
time to time. Be sensitive to their feelings, their opinions. Especially before you take
some action one might construe as, oh, let's just call it: insane? Goes a long way to show
you respect and appreciate them. This is torture for you, isn't it?
Angel: Yes.
Wesley: Good. I think that's all for now
Wesley: And I'd love a cup of coffee.
Angel: Very funny.
Cordelia: Two sugars in mine.
Angel: Man, atonement's a bitch.
Angel: Uh--
Cordelia: Don't.
Angel: Don't--?
Cordelia: You're gonna start trying to make small talk. Get all stammery. Don't. You might
strain something.
Cordelia: Okay, you wanna know how I am?
Tired, mostly. With "sweaty" running a close second. But, truthfully, I'm also
jazzed. Can't wait to get our business up and sputtering again. Ready to help those
helpless... But, just so we understand each other...You and I? We're not friends.
Cordelia: Whoa. Big bird.
Gunn: Bigbird?
Cordelia: Not the Muppet, dumbass...
Gunn: Cordelia said blue robes, didn't
Wesley: It's dark. Perhaps she was mistaken.
Angel: Hey, I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt before just condemning her
like that, don't you?
Angel: I just thought... Well, she
looked so tired. And that vision really took a lot out of her. And... You think maybe I
should send her something? Flowers, maybe?
Wesley: Flowers?
Angel: Yeah. You know, to say "thanks." And "sorry about the
migraines." You know... "I appreciate you."
Wesley: Yes, by all means. And while you're at it, pick me up one of those "SORRY YOU
Wesley: You can't buy back her trust,
Angel. Or her affections.
Angel: She said... She said we're not friends, Wesley.
Willow: We are all clear on the fact
that Harmony's a vampire, right?
Cordelia: Ohhh! Harmony's a vampire! That's why she-- Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. All
this time I thought she'd become a great big lesbo...Oh, really?... Hey, that's... great.
Good for you. That's, yeah... It's good.
Willow: Thanks for the affirmation, Cordelia.
Angel: Wes. You can't. Cordelia feels
her friend doesn't post a threat. I think we should respect her wishes
I'm just
Cordelia: Hey. I told you. Harmony's my
friend. I trust her completely and with every fiber of my being. Harmony, you can stay
Harmony: I don't wanna stay here alone with a ghost.
Harmony: I mean, how do you stand
everything? Being what you are. How can you deprive yourself of the taste... the sensation
of rich, warm, human blood flowing into your mouth... Bathing your tongue... caressing
your throat, with its sweet, sticky--
Gunn: I'm back!
Angel: Me too!
Wesley: It's all right to speak freely
in front of her. She's a vampire.
Gunn: Don't we kill them anymore?
Cordelia: What do you think?
Host: I think your friend should reconsider the name "Harmony."
Gunn: Just so we're on the same page,
when we find this vampire cult, we are gonna kill 'em, right?
Wesley: Angel...
Angel: It's your place to tell her.
Wesley: She's not listening to me.
Angel: Welcome to my world.
Angel: She doesn't have a soul.
Cordelia: Oh. That's it, isn't it? You're better than her because you have a soul.
Angel: Well... yeah.
Cordelia: And you didn't just betray me,
Angel. You didn't just hurt me... You gave away my clothes!
Angel: To the needy...
Cordelia: I am the needy. Do you know how scared I was you were on your way to becoming
Angelus again? Imagine what could've happened it you'd gone nuts and slept with Darla.
Angel: You know I would never do that.
Cordelia: Oh, my god! These are
gorgeous! You have the most amazing taste! You have, like, a gay man's taste! And that's
saying something. I love them so much!
Nathan: I'll consider both options.
And the current status of Angel?
Lindsey: Angel? - He's up, he's down. - He's good, he's bad. He's a barrel of
dead monkeys...
Wesley: Go ahead. Probably
best not to crowd her.
Angel: Me? You're the one in charge now.
Wesley: You're right. That's why I'm assigning this one to you.
Cordelia: You don't eat food.
Angel: Oh, I can. It doesn't keep me alive, but, you know, sometimes I get a
Cordelia: Soup and salad, too?
What is going on here?
Angel: I forgot what you liked.
Cordelia: Why didn't you ask me?
Angel: Well, you said, why is everyone asking you if they can get you anything,
and-and I didn't wanna do that...
Cordelia: So you did this instead.
Angel: Yup.
Cordelia: I love you.
Cordelia: And you ought to do that
more often.
Angel: Buy you food?
Cordelia: Smile.
Angel: There is only we can do
Cordelia: Oh, god. Oh, no.
Wesley: The Karaoke bar.
Gunn: Angel's gonna sing?
Cordelia: Isn't there some other way?
Wesley: There has to be. Think, damn it!
Angel: Hey!
Cordelia: You should pick
something short.
Angel: I was thinking about Stairway to Heaven.
Wesley: Don't even joke about that.
Angel: What is that? Rock?
Country? Ballad? Pick a style, pal.
Wesley: Shh.
Host: Angel cakes. Don't make me ask you to leave.
Lindsey: Look. I need help.
Angel: I'll say. You might want to start with his singing.
Cordelia: Hi. You probably
don't remember me. Cordelia. I know you're evil - and everything, but that was just
so amazing.
Gunn: That was kind of tight.
Wesley: Terrific, really.
Angel: Is everyone drunk?
Host: Two enemies, one case, all
come together in a beautiful buddy-movie kind of way.
Gunn: They supposed to work together on this?
Lindsey: Work with him? Work with him?
Host: Am I the only one who saw 'Forty-eight Hours?'
Angel: You know, when I was in
charge here, nobody questioned my methods or my singing.
Cordelia: You're half right.
Angel: Alright. I hired a
private detective. He's got a friend on the force.
Wesley: We're supposed to be the private detectives.
Gunn: We are supposed to have a friend on the force.
Angel: We did, but she got fired. Get over it.
Lindsey: What are you doing here?!
Angel: Gee, I don't know, saving your life?
Lindsey: You got no business..!
What-why aren't you trying to kill me?!
Angel: Excuse me. I'm on a case here, Lindsey. Does everything always
have to be about killing you all the time?
Lindsey: That's my lead! You're choking my lead!
Angel: 'He's my lead! He's my lead!' What, are we on the schoolyard here?
Look, if you wanna get to the bottom of this, you got to learn how to play with others.
Angel: The guy who's hand you're
wearing. You might want to listen up.
Lindsey: You don't tell me what to do.
Angel to the guy: He's so immature.
Angel: Kill you? Why would I kill
you when I could live off you for a month?
Angel: Hmm, can't you just taste that butter fat?
Lindsey: You are really gross, you know that?
Angel: You just keep on moping.
You're good at that.
Lindsey: I've got these evil hand
Angel: Good. I'm glad I
didn't have to do something immature here.
Cordelia: I feel a little guilty.
Angel: Don't. Nineteen dollars for a sashimi couscous appetizer is money well spent. This
is your night. How is it anyway, pretty good? It oughta be pretty good...
Cordelia: It's delicious, but that's not what I feel guilty about.
Angel: Oh. I'm not cheap, I'm just old: I remember when a few bob got you a meal, a bottle
and a tavern wench. You were saying?
Cordelia: Move! I think the sashimi's
coming up.
Angel: They'll take that off the bill, right?
Cordelia: What are you doing here?
Angel: Getting a tan... not bursting into flames.
Angel: You want me to rip that guy's
head off for you? 'Cause I could, you know. Really. I mean, actually rip his head right
off his body. I can do that.
Angel: Mr. "Hey, I'm L.A. Director
Shooting a Commercial, So I Must Be The Center Of The Universe" Guy. Like anyone who
isn't making it in show business is just a step or ten down the food chain. I mean, hey,
all we do is save the world, right? And the way he talks to Cordy, it's like she's a
commodity, like she's his slave or something. And you know what the worst part is? She
just took it. When was the last time Cordy took crap from any of us?
Gunn: Never and the day after never.
Angel: Exactly, plus, he's got her wearing this ridiculously flimsy swimsuit that
covers... like nothing.
Angel: Not the Haklar. The Power
Walkers. I mean, walking I get. But power walking? Why not just run for a shorter time?
Host: Landok? Is that you?
Angel: You know him?
Host: Just because I know his name doesn't mean you can't knock him unconscious. Please,
Host: I prefer just "Lorne".
Angel: Lorne? As in... just... Lorne?
Host: Yes, Lorne. If you must. Though I generally don't go by that, because well-- Green.
Cordelia: Hunh?
Angel: Right. Lorne Greene. Come on. "Bonanza?" 15 years on the air not meaning
anything here? Okay, now I feel old.
Landok: Then killing the Drokken will be
most difficult. It is impervious to most wounds.
Angel: What if we chopped its head off?
Wesley: Or ran it through with a sword?
Angel: Or electrocuted him with, like a 50,000 volt charge?
Cordelia: Yeah, we've had a lot of luck with those things in the past.
Landok: The Drokken goes this way. The
aura is strong. It's not far.
Host: What do you want? A medal?
Host: For the last time... not a coward.
I just saw both sides of the joust. How are you supposed to joust someone when you
partially agree with their point of view?
Angel: Where did the portal appear
Host: Right there. Talk about upstaging me.
Cordelia: Angel?
Green Mojo Guy's cousin?
Host: God, I wish I could get drunk.
Angel: I don't wanna research, all
right? I wanna jump through the big swirly hole thingy and save Cordelia.
Wesley: We might never be able to get
Angel: It's Cordy.
Angel: What, is it out of batteries. Is
the thing out of batteries?
Host: I don't know. I don't know how it works!
Angel: Dammit! I just got her back.
Wesley: It's cold.
Angel: What? Put on a sweater.
Wesley: No, no, the hot spot is cold.
Wesley: The hot spot is cold. That's why
you couldn't open the second portal.
Angel: Huh. I was right. It was the batteries.
Host: Remember when I said I loved this
dimension and I'm never, never, never gonna leave? Exactly which "never" did you
not understand?
Aggie: Sometimes the journey is taken
simply because it must be taken. That vague enough for ya?
Host: Is that what I sound like? Eeesh. No wonder people complain.
Wesley: I suppose I could try a binding
spell of some kind, something to fuse us together when we enter the portal.
Angel: Good. Let's do that.
Wesley: However, we could emerge on the other side as a freakishly hybridized Siamese
Angel: What, we handcuff ourselves
together? Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Wesley: Well, I--wouldn't know, but anyway, I don't think handcuffs will work.
Angel: Lawyers. Don't you people sleep
during the day?
Angel: I wanna go. Bad. Just waitin' for
Wes to have that "eureka" moment.
Wesley: EUREKA!
Angel: Oh, thank God.
Host: You mean he actually says "eureka"?
Angel: Here? Isn't this a movie studio?
Host: Makes a certain kinda sense, no?
Angel: The sun! Daylight! Quick,
somebody hand me a blanket -- hand me a blanket or I'll catch on fire! Why am I not on
Angel: And I'm not on fire.
Wesley: And we're all together, too. We didn't even merge into a freakish four-man Siamese
Gunn: That was a risk? How come nobody told me that was a risk?
Angel: Can everybody just notice how
much fire I'm not on?
Angel: Let's start gathering branches,
brush, anything that'll cover the car. Hey, look, there's some over in that patch of sun.
I'll get 'em.
Angel: No problem here. Walkin' in the
sun. Do it all the time.
Wesley: Yes, we're all heartily aware that you're not on fire.
Host: Just remember, keep your heads
down. Xenophobia kind of a watchword where I'm from.
Gunn: I don't get it. Why are they afraid of Xena? I think she's kinda fly.
Wesley: Xenophobia. Fear of foreigners.
Gunn: Oh. Then can we pretend I didn't just say that?
Wesley: I used to be horrified by those
stories about the Tower of London.
Angel: Wasn't that bad.
Host: Oh, am I glad to see you. And so
much less dead than I expected.
Angel: What'd they do to you?
Host: Well, first there was the welcome home parade thrown in my honor--tickertape,
streamers -- honestly, I was so touched, I almost wept. Locked me in a room, pushed me
around, asked a bunch of questions--your standard film noir.
Cordelia: Well, it's not like my throne
couldn't use a few extra cushions, but I'm not really gonna complain because, well --
Host: See there? She had a vision. That
explains it. Well, see, there's this prophecy...
Angel: A prophecy. Great. Because those always go well...
Cordelia: In kind of a hurry to get back
to the Cordelia's-not-a-princess-dimension, aren'tcha?
Angel: Okay. This is because of going
through the portal, right?
Cordelia: Huh? No. It always looks like that.
Angel: No, I mean why didn't anyone tell
Cordelia: What? It looks good.
Angel: You're not just saying that?
Host: Ho, ho, ho! Back up! You want me
to talk to my family? On purpose?
Wesley: It's that, or face the possibility of never getting back to our dimension.
Host: Come on, gorgeous. You can stare at yourself in my grandmother's glass eye. Oh, and
while we're here, it's just "Lorne," okay? To the people of Pylea, a
"host" is just one more thing to lay your eggs in.
Angel: Yeah, yeah, fine. Can we get my coat?
Angel: ... and then, WHACK! I chopped
off the evil lawyer beast's hand and he screamed and screamed, and then I left.
Host: Well! You're a regular Hans Christian Tarantino, aren'tcha?
Cordelia: If you ever figure out how to
get us out of here, I want you to find me a dimension where some demon doesn't want to
impregnate me with its spawn! I mean, is that just too much to ask?
Cordelia: What is it about me, anyway?
Do I put out some kind of Com-Shuk-me vibe? You'd tell me, right?
Angel: Oh, Cordelia! No, she's fine.
They made her a princess.
Fred: They -- Really? Oh. When I got here they, they... didn't do that. Made me more of a,
of a slave, really. Well that's... nice for her.
Host: Not as good as you, obviously...
Should I call them back? You could borrow the cuffs.
No, no, I like the filthy head-- that is, I need to defile it more. I will keep it to spit
upon and when I tire of that I will make it into a planter -- a traitor planter for all to
see! Or maybe a candy dish.
Host: Oh I'm sure it must be, and after
all I only LOST MY HEAD! Or, technically, my body.
Gunn: We die horribly and painfully, you
go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of Baby Jesus.
Wesley: Oh.
Fred: I've been trying to make an
enchilada out of tree bark...
Angel: Bark enchilada? How's that going?
Fred: There's work to be done.
Fred: They're not words. They're
consonant representations of a mathematical transfiguration formula.
Angel: Well obviously...
Rebel: Five cheers for the
Wesley: Oooo, in this world you get five.
Cordelia: Boy that looks a lot like your
Host: It is my suit, you think they have French Viscose in this hell hole? Why am I still
alive? Once they chop you up, it's over. I'm looking at pieces of myself, it's over...
Wait a minute, since when do I have five toes?
Cordelia: Do you mind if I hit him over
the head with you?
Host: Yes.
Wesley: Why do people keep putting me in
charge of things?
Gunn: I have no idea.
Angel: I don't actually know how to get
Fred: Oh, I can show you.
Gunn: He's Angel, he does that --how'd
she do that?
Angel: She's Fred, she does that, too.
Angel: He was
Gunn: Yeah
Wesley: Mmm
Host: That's it? Where's the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?
Angel: When I fired you guys, the reason
I... the darkness was coming out in me, I didn't want you near it. The thing that comes
out here is ten times worse.
Angel: I challenge the Groosalugg to
mortal combat. Come out and face me, you spineless coward!
Fred: Ooo, why'd you add that coward thing, that's just gonna piss him off.
Angel: All right, what part of my being
all noble here didn't get through?
Cordelia: Stop! Stop the fight! Don't
hurt him, I love him, I LOVE HIM!
Angel: You love me?
Cordelia: Not you, dumbass, HIM! I love him!
Angel: Oh.
Angel: But you love me too, right?
Cordelia: Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
Angel: As a friend and co-worker...
Cordelia: What did he do to you? Let's get some bandages over here, people!
Angel: Maybe love is too strong a term.
Host: Good as new -- although I seem to
have put on about a hundred and fifty eight pounds.
Angel: Isn't there something you want to
say to your mother?
Host: "May you burn in Tarkna?"
Angel: Come on, she's not so bad, she didn't store your body on the maggot heap like you
thought she would, did she?
Host: Bye Mom, thanks for storing my body on the lice pile instead of the maggot heap.
Angel: Every family's got its problems.
Mother: Numfar, do the dance of shame!
Angel: Yours more than most.
Host: I had to come back here to find
out I didn't have to come back here, I don't belong here, I hate it here. You know where I
belong? L.A. You know why? Nobody belongs there, it's the perfect place for guys like us.
Angel: That's kinda beautiful.
Host: Ain't it?
Should people be kneeling in a free society?
Cordelia: These things take time.
Angel: Willow?
Cordelia: Hi. What's...
Angel: It's Buffy...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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